Hello and welcome back to the Berry Patch! What a bananas summer we’ve all had, huh? In thinking about today’s post, I realized that it has been a while since we had a chat. For any new readers, the Berry Patch posts are mostly my own ramblings and musing about nerdy hobbies and the people who participate in them. Today I wanted to share with you some people who positively light up my social media!Ā
Getting into nerdy social media can be overwhelming, and the algorithm doesn’t always highlight the people I love to see. With this in mind, let me share with you the accounts of five fabulous individuals!Ā
Games by Bee

Games by Bee (they/them) is a wonderful addition to your timeline. They offer handmade and custom TTRPG gear in their Etsy shop. With a wide variety of fabric and embroidery, with endless options for custom designs, you are sure to find something to love. Patches were recently added to the shop as well and they are beautiful! I personally love theĀ dragon scale bags. Make sure to check out the Games by Bee Instagram for updates!Ā

Lauren (she/her) is a wonderful person with so many talents. She creates extremely detailed hand drawn fantasy maps, plays on Intelligence Check, and continuously posts her Dungeons and Dragons Inspiration posts featuring plants and minerals from around the world with fantasy stats! As a bonus, she also share pictures of her gardens and animals while cultivating a community of creativity and kindness! Follow Lauren for some Grade A content!Ā

MidnightPursonaĀ (she/her) is a cosplayer, streamer and artists who continues to share her talents with the world! While you can follow her on several platforms, I especially recommend her TikTok. Her Animal Crossing New Horizons looks are fantastic! Her Celeste look is my favorite but theĀ Isabelle Island UpdatesĀ are choice!Ā More than that, she is kind and wonderful and her content is guaranteed to make you smile.Ā

Rosey Games (she/her) was featured onĀ Meet Your MakersĀ earlier this year, but her work is absolutely worth mentioning again! Rosey Games founded Roll Play Lead, an organization working with teens and tweens using applied TTRPGs to work on social skills, and is half of the Sip Happens team. In addition to all of this, Rosey Games is also a writer and game designer. Be sure to check out her workĀ and take the time to watch her TEDxTalk on developing social skills through Dungeons and Dragons.Ā
VJ Harris

VJĀ (he/they) is the second Meet Your Makers alum on today’s list. I first heard of VJ’s work from An Elf and an Orc Had a Little Baby, which quickly became one of my favorite supplements for Dungeons and Dragons. Over the last year VJ has worked on many projects but I want to shout out his Tik Tok account for fantastic videos full of tips, tricks and advice for other Dungeons and Dragons players. If you aren’t following, you are missing out!Ā
I really hope you give these wonderful creators a follow. They are all sure to enhance your social media experience and give you some excellent content to enjoy! Thanks for story by the Berry Patch today!Ā