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Game Review: Dungeons and Dragons Clue

Pictured: The decaying stone remains of what was once a masoned passageway in an old temple, not a long forgotten ruin. Overlayed with a two purple corner designs, one in the upper left with the white VV twenty sided die logo, and one in the lower right corner with Variant Berry’s profile icon: A hand drawn portrait of her smiling face, making a heart shape in her hands with the VV logo in the middle. In the middle of the image is a purple paint swipe with the words “Game Review D&D Clue” imposed over it.


Pictured: Box art for Clue: Dungeons and Dragons Edition. A red Tiefling character, dressed in gold stands on the left side. Powerful magic of red and gold flows from their hand to the other side of the box, swirling around a chest where a small goblinoid character, peering over a humanoid skull watches from the right side of the box


There is a member of our household that simply loves Clue! It’s their favorite classic board game, and so we play it frequently. While the classic game is entertaining, there are some times when it is a good to shake up the old Clue routine. We are always on the hunt for new takes on our favorite classic games, and as TTRPG lovers we felt we had to check out the Dungeons and Dragons version of Clue. This game offered up the chance to visit Baldur’s Gate without having to roll new characters or think up appropriate backstories!

Pictured: Game cards, meeples, dice and Clue sheet are layered over a corder of the game board.

Ease of Set Up and Play
If you are familiar with classic Clue, this new edition will be just as easy for you to jump right into! The game play is similar to the original and felt comfortable to start without much hesitation. Set up takes as about as much time or effort as the classic. I do not recommend allowing your cat on the table to help set up however, as this can lead to a missing weapon you will then have to pause the game to look for! (Ask me how I know!)
Pictured: Lulu Character Card and Lulu Special Ability Card, placed upon a part of the D&D Clue game board.
I’d put the replayability of this edition of Clue on par with the classic edition. While it is now considered a fairly standard board game, it is cozy to just play a game such as Clue where everyone knows the rules. One thing that can add additional fun to the game is that each of the player characters have a special ability that you can use throughout play. In theory, you would have to play through the game at least six times to get the full experience.

Pictured: 6 Meeples on the game board in front of the game box.

The artwork of Dungeons and Dragons Clue is on par with other Wizards of the Coast projects. Fans of this style of artwork will not be disappointed, as the map (game board) lays out like a battle map and the characters are fully detailed. You could actually use the game board as a battle map for a TTRPG session if you wanted. One thing that would’ve bumped this up to next level for me is having minis for the characters that you could paint! The addition of minis would have largely added to the value of the game for me. That said, the character standees are more detailed than the classic meeples included in the original version. Pictured: Six Clue weapons on top of the game board.

Enjoyment Level
Our biggest Clue fan in the house really enjoyed this edition of the game. Honestly, that’s all I needed to be sold! It was a nice way to put a nerdy twist on the classics and help provide a new game experience for the family that still felt familiar.

Overall, I think that Dungeons and Dragons Clue is a great game for families/friend groups that have some who like TTRPGs and some who do not. It was a nice touch to gather a lot of the familiar characters and locations of Balder’s Gate and The Sword Coast into a game that intended for all ages. If you are looking to scratch that TTRPG itch without the full commitment a D&D session requires, I recommend checking out Dungeons and Dragons Clue!

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Have you played Dungeons and Dragons Clue? What about other Wizards of the Coast Board Games?

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