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Game Review: monsDRAWsity

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From Deep Water Games and designed by Eric Slauson, I bring you monsDRAWsity! This game is chock full of silliness and fun, making it both great for a party or family and easy to adapt to play over the internet with friends. I found this game from the article Black Voices in Board Games from Elizabth Hargrave. I recommend taking some time to read through the article, as there are some fantastic titles and names on there.

monsDRAWsity Box Art

Ease of Set Up and Play

Dry erase boards and markers come right in the box. In addition, there is a stack of cards with monsters or “anomalies”.  The game does ask you to use your phone as a timer, which isn’t a bad idea, but sometimes we prefer to play our games technology free. It was easy enough to borrow a timer from another game if you also like to forego the digital distractions during your game night.


Because you can assume either the witness or artist role, and can draw from any of the 100 included cards, there is a lot of value in replayability!  We love to replay games over and over in this house, so I am happy with the variety.


The cartoonish artwork of the various anomalies are fun and inspire imagination. The anomalies combine different elements from many animals (real or fantastic), making some unique and wacky creatures! There was a lot of laughter in our house when the cards were revealed.

monster card with two attempts at drawing it

Enjoyment Level

In our house we have two artists, a doodler, and me! This was a hit for all of us. The artists got to flex their skills and the others got to have some fun trying to piece together the anomalies. Just like with Pictionary, you end up with some hilarious art at the end! The drawing boards have social media tags embellishment built right in, so share your artwork with the world!

monster card with two attempts and drawing it


For about $25 (at the time of this writing), you can snag this excellent game and start having fun! MonsDRAWsity is great for families or groups of friends, easy to play, and designed to improve communication skills.  I look forward to playing this with my friends in person once it is safe again. The Berry Patch highly recommends it!

*Photo Credit: Variant Berry

Related:Berry Presents: Party Games

Have you played monsDRAWsity? Tell us about some of your drawings in the comments!


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