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Part 2 – How to Create and Play as Characters Outside of Standard Races

Welcome back to my mini-series on “non-playable” character creation! In the previous post, we discussed the basics of looking to make a “non-playable” character playable for your next TTRPG. Regardless of what you choose to play, there are some key aspects of the character that will enhance your gameplay, as long as you are willing to take your character’s growth one step at a time.

Though we primarily focused on pre-existing character types such as monsters and creatures, I want to take a closer look at characters that don’t exist or have minimal representation in current game editions. Such as mixed races or new ones created by players (or gam masters).

Related: TTRPG Safety ToolKit

A wonderful guide on how to play characters with mixed parentage, who have been adopted, or just have a unique upbringing is now available via the Dungeon Masters Guild called: An Elf and an Orc Had a Little Baby.

According to the DM’s Guild, “An Elf and an Orc Had a Little Baby: Parentage and Upbringing in D&D is a 113-page rules supplement that entirely replaces chapter 2 of the Player’s Handbook. Instead of D&D’s essentialist approach, this title separates biological traits and cultural traits into two categories: parentage and upbringing. To create a new player character using this supplement, players choose two birth parents and an upbringing. (Then they go on to choose a background and class, as normal.) Players can feel free to create any combination to create a unique and vibrant character.

Inside the new guide, players can discover:

  • 35 Parentages, from aarakocra to yuan-ti;
  • 80+ Upbringings, from being raised by abjurers to water mages;
  • an adaptation of all 12 dragonmarks for Eberron play; and
  • a robust system for making your own parentage and upbringing options.

Though every new iteration of work comes under varying levels of scrutiny, particularly on an online platform, this piece has been VERY helpful for TTRPG players looking to adventure into new frontiers of character development. We highly recommend this tool for TTRPG players and GM/DM’s looking to broaden their horizons in-game. To learn more or order your own copy of An Elf and an Orc Had a Little Baby: Parentage and Upbringing in D&D CLICK HERE

Related: Part 1: How to Create and Play as Characters Outside of Standard Races

In our next segment, we will discuss more surface-level applications to character creation for characters who may have variant body shapes, sizes, limbs (or lack thereof), and more. Be sure to tune in for Part 3 in the coming weeks!

Featured Photo Credit: Dungeon Masters Guild



1 thought on “Part 2 – How to Create and Play as Characters Outside of Standard Races”

  1. Pingback: Part 3 – How to Create and Play as Characters Outside of Standard Races – Variant Ventures

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